This is, I fear, the calm before the storm but what a wonderful end to an almost perfect day.
Read MoreWhenever we're asked by visitors about the Winter we've always said that they aren't that cold and we rarely have much snow and if it does snow it doesn't last - not this year! We're on day five with no sign of a let up.
Read MoreAccording to Norse mythology the goddess Rán and the jöttun Ægir had nine daughters, who are the waves. Here's a photo of them - Blóôughadda, Bylgja, Dröfn, Dúfa, Hevring, Himinglæva, Hrönn, Kolga and Uôr. They are racing into Funzie bay with their hair streaming behind them.
Read MoreGreat photo of a visiting Glossy Ibis flying over Fael burn taken by resident birder, Paul Macklam
Read MoreWith only a few visitors left still finding some amazing birds we have moved to Winter opening hours. The shop, cafe and post office are now open Tuesday - Saturday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Read MoreThe "Eye of the Wind" dropped anchor recently en route to the Faroe Islands and several crew and passengers came ashore - lovely way to see the islands
Read MoreFetlar cafe catered for a recent cruise ship visit in the Community Hall - lovely to see so many people enjoying the island (and the cakes!)
Read MoreLambing is well underway and calving is nearly over - halfway through another farming year!
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